

  1. In the intro, Lumpy’s right antler was pointing up and his left one was pointing down, but throughout the entire episode Lumpy’s left antler was pointing up and the other one was pointing down.
  2. When Lumpy is cutting leaves off a bush with shears, his weed-whacker and the lawnmower can’t be seen.
  3. When Lumpy trims leaves of a bush, the cut leaves disappear in the air. The same goof happens when Fliqpy uses Lumpy’s head to cut a bush.
  4. The bolts that fell on the ground as Lumpy was constructing his motorized shears are never seen.
  5. The crest on Flippy’s beret switches places several times.
  6. Who the hell would look like this while spinning?

    Even though Lumpy’s arms got impaled by garden flamingos, he isn’t shown to be bleeding at all.

  7. While Lumpy’s head was spinning, his eyes, nostrils and mouth disappeared.

Phone accessories

Accessories for phone protection and cleaning.

Phone Cases


Cuddles with fork.

Disco Bear — sprite.

Cuddles, Giggles, Handy injured.



Lumpy with scissors.

Petunia, Cuddles, Giggles falling from the sky.

HTF cartoon design.

Cases with tails and antler.

Splendid´s logo case.

Lumpy, Flaky, Nutty, Giggles, Cuddles case.

Lumpy case.

All HTFs case.

Flippy & Fliqpy case.

HTFs case.

Screen Cleaners

For cellphone/tablet/laptop/monitor screen cleaning.

Cellphone strap screen cleaner — Cuddles.

Cellphone strap screen cleaner — Nutty.

Cellphone strap screen cleaner — Flippy.

Cellphone strap screen cleaner — Flaky, Nutty, Flippy, Lumpy, Cuddles, Toothy, Giggles, Lifty, Shifty.

Cellphone strap screen cleaner — Petunia.

Giggles puppet screen cleaner.

Cuddles puppet screen cleaner.

How puppet screen cleaner works.

Информация о героях мультсериала[править]

Персонаж Имя персонажа Характеристика персонажа. Актёр озвучания в русском дубляже. Биологический вид актёра Другие роли актёра (если есть)
Безлапочка Мазохист с очень низким IQ, который везде суёт свои лапы, поочерёдно теряя одну из них, вследствие чего он и получил такое имя. Образ безлапочки собирательный — он олицетворяет всех непослушных детей. Озвучен Никитой Прозоровским. Блондинка ушастая Заяц («Ну, погоди!»), Ляля («Телепузики»).
Двузубастик Безумный учёный, который делает научные открытия в извращённом виде, одно из которых представлено на фото. Здесь двузубастик собирается исследовать траекторию полёта шарообразного тела, произведённого при помощи силы упругости, причём в качестве такого тела он решает использовать собственное глазное яблоко. Озвучен Александром Клюквиным. Шизик Физик бобровидный Деггетт («Злюки бобры»)
Меньшинка Большая любительница пирсинга, сильно выделяющаяся этим среди остальных. Она может делать себе пирсинг где угодно, даже в глазном яблоке. Озвучена Людмилой Гниловой. Не Ктулху II, но бантиковая
Тупения Представительница религиозных сект «Цветочек» и «Ёлочка» с врождённым пороком сердца, при котором оно вместе с впадающей в него нижней полой веной находится вне организма. Тупения также является пацифисткой и верит в то, что на ёлке растут цветы. Озвучена Ириной Савиной. Мусульманка лепестковая
Быдло Очень злой и жестокий гопник, которому до сих пор не посшибали рога. Он постоянно избивает других персонажей за счёт своего явного преимущества в росте и силе. Озвучен Сергеем Чонишвили. Лось туповатый Бульвинкль («Приключения Рокки и Бульвинкля»),»Аристотель»(«Бумажки»)
Товарищ прапорщик Единственный персонаж, состоящий на действительной воинской службе. Он успешно разрешает все конфликты между гражданскими лицами и наказывает провинившихся. По силе и быстроте реакции прапорщик уступает только Чаку Норрису. Озвучен Евгением Рыбовым. Солдафон обнаглевший Прапорщик Шматко («Солдаты»)
Ботинок Также, как и Двузубастик, безумный учёный, но уже в области математики. Его мысли постоянно материализуются в виде облака над головой. Озвучен Марией Трындяйкиной Слон близорукий Мамонтёнок («Мама для мамонтёнка»)
Наркоша Психологически неуравновешенный дегустатор, пристрастившийся к конфетам. Сошёл с ума после травмы детства: его подружка, с которой он встречался два года. оказалась коробкой конфет. Озвучен Александром Рыжковым. Бельчонок Скрэт (Ледниковый период)
Чувак Самый воспитанный персонаж, который никогда не нарушает правил поведения. Он является примером для подражания для детей. Создателями подтверждён тот факт, что Чувак не имеет пола. Озвучен Дмитрием Филимоновым. Ёж красноркожий Ёжик («Ёжик в тумане») Ёжик («Смешарики»)
Супермен Двуличный отрицательный персонаж, который только притворяется борцом за справедливость, а на самом деле он особым образом наносит другим персонажам телесные повреждения. Озвучен Вячеславом Барановым. Кларкокент близорукий Супермен («Супермен»)
Папаша и малыш Два неразлучных персонажа, олицетворяющие Джорджа Буша-старшего и Джорджа Буша-младшего соответственно, хотя Малыш всё же немного умнее предыдущего президента США. Озвучены Борисом и Николаем Быстровым. Медвед Большой и Медвед Малый
Убегаля Овца-шизофреничка. Вечно ходит со своим другом-огурцом, который по её мнению колбасит остальных когда она отворачивается, а на самом деле этот огурец не живой и выясняется что она всех колбасит (шизофрения же). Шизанутая Овечка Овечка Сьюзи(«Свинка Пеппа»)
Хитрозадая и Хитрожопый Криминальная пара, тащат всё, что лежит, сидит или стоит, причём всегда делают так, что вещь лежала, сидела или стояла плохо. Озвучены Еленой Ивасишиной и Владимиром Ферапонтовым. Еноты-потаскуны Мелисса Раккун и Берт Раккун («Еноты»)


Flippy and Lumpy are neighbors again. What can go wrong?

The episode begins with Flippy reading a book on a hammock in his backyard. While Flippy is quietly reading his book, his neighbor, Lumpy, is trying to start up his lawnmower, which creates noises that irritate Flippy. Flippy tells Lumpy to be quiet. Lumpy apologizes and grabs a weed-whacker, which also makes noise as Lumpy tries to start it up. Flippy tells Lumpy to be quiet again and Lumpy nervously laughs as he grabs a pair of hedge shears. Lumpy looks at Flippy to see if it’s okay with him, Flippy smiles back in approval and lies back down to read.

Lumpy starts cutting a bush with the shears, which turns out to be a very slow process. Lumpy gets an idea and combines his shears with the weed-whacker, creating motorized shears. As he starts up his invention with ease, his motorized shears start to billow, this results in smoke covering Flippy from his yard. As the smoke clears up, Flippy notices a fellow soldier who is wearing a gas mask, lying on the ground on a battlefield, reaching his hand to him. Flippy removes the gas mask from the soldier to reveal that war chemicals have melted his face, which causes Flippy to flip out.

As Lumpy finishes cutting the bush, a garden flamingo is thrown, almost hitting Lumpy. Lumpy turns around and sees Fliqpy running towards him with two garden flamingos in his hands. Fliqpy throws the garden flamingos at Lumpy, impaling his arms. Lumpy tries to run away, but Fliqpy spots the two flamingos that Lumpy is carrying from behind a fence. As Lumpy continues to run, Fliqpy uses a cord to slice off Lumpy’s legs and the ends of the flamingos’ pin Lumpy to the ground as he falls.

Okay, even by Happy Tree Friends standards, this is absurd.

Fliqpy jumps on Lumpy’s back and tightens the cord around Lumpy’s head, he then grabs the end of the cord and yanks on it several times, similar to how one starts up a lawnmower. As Fliqpy gives a final pull, Lumpy’s head starts to spin and we see Lumpy’s detached head float in the sky while spinning like a helicopter.

The episode ends, when Flippy is seen happily cutting a bush with a weed-whacker, but as the camera zooms out, it is shown that at the end of the weed-whacker is Lumpy’s head and his antlers are being used as blades to cut the leaves off a bush forming a flamingo sculpture. The episode then irises in on Flippy, where Fliqpy starts to laugh maniacally.



Seen on Computer and TV

  1. Wheelin’ and Dealin’: Gets half of his body scraped off by pavement.
  2. Meat me for Lunch: Is sliced into portions of meat. (confirmed by Kenn Navarro)

    Lifty’s giant tail apparently only makes up two individual slabs of meat.

  3. Happy Trails Pt. 2: Jumping the Shark: Is eaten by a shark.
  4. Milkin’ It: Is impaled on a tree.
  5. Class Act: Is killed in an explosion.
  6. Remains to be Seen:
    1. Is killed in a truck crash.
    2. Is killed again by Lumpy by getting run over by a lawnmower.
  7. Kringle Feast: Dies either from gas suffocation or in a massive explosion caused by Lumpy.
  8. YouTube Live Episode: Is killed either by Fliqpy or the claw. (Death not seen, confirmed by Kenn Navarro)
  9. The Wrong Side of Tracks: Is killed by a spinning pole by the park entrance.
  10. From Hero to Eternity: Is sucked into a whirlpool and burned by lava.
  11. And the Kitchen Sink: Is sliced in half by a rope.
  12. Don’t Yank My Chain: Is hit by a train.
  13. Doggone It: Is crushed against a tree when Shifty crashes their van.
  14. Sea What I Found: Drowns in the sea.

    Poor Lifty, he could have made a fortune selling his brother.

  15. Easy For You to Sleigh: Jumps out of a window and into a combine harvester.
  16. Who’s to Flame?: Gets his head crushed by a motor.
  17. As You Wish: Is electrocuted by a lamp.
  18. Dunce Upon a Time: Is crushed by a castle spire.
  19. Gems the Breaks: Is boiled to death in a lake when Splendid magnifies his heat vision through a pair of binoculars.
  20. Aw, Shucks!: Is crushed by a huge piece of popcorn. (Death not seen)
  21. Junk in the Trunk: Is impaled through the head by a pogo stick.
  22. Autopsy Turvy (Double Whammy Part II): Is pierced in the chest by a recorder.
  23. Claw: Is killed either by Fliqpy or the claw. (Death not seen, confirmed by Kenn Navarro)
  24. Wrath of Con: Suffocates after Splendid sucks all the air out of the room.
  25. Swelter Skelter: Is killed in an ice explosion.
  26. Happy Tree Friends False Alarm episode: Has his head decapitated and mutilated.
  27. Buns of Steal: Is cut apart by a fence.

    One dead Lifty = one strong tightrope.

Debatable Deaths

  1. Stealing the Spotlight: Is killed by Lumpy’s Christmas lights. (Since The Mole survived the heat as well and they were not seen being killed, only running into each other.)
  2. Breaking Wind: Is killed by Splendid’s fart or when the earth is set on fire.


  1. Overkill DVD box set: Is possibly killed by Flippy’s bomb or a grenade he and Shifty were passing to each other. (Deaths not seen)
  2. Blood Sample O+: Gets his head impaled by a sharp object.
  3. Crazy Disco: Is crushed by falling disco balls.
  4. They may not be the leaders of the band, but their blood runs through their instruments.

    Fall Harvest Wallpaper: Falls from a high distance, and splatters on the ground. (Death not seen)

  5. Holiday Hangover January 2007 Calendar: Dies from breathing in gas, as in Kringle Feast.
  6. Fire Escape: Falls to his death.
  7. Unnamed Merry-go-round Wallpaper: Is flung off a merry-go-round.
  8. Unnamed Wallpaper: Is killed when Flippy’s dynamite explodes. (Death not seen)
  9. March 2011: Same death as Swelter Skelter.
  10. Dumb Ways to Die: Same as the wallpaper.

Seen on Computer and TV

  1. Meat Me for Lunch:
    1. His body breaks through an automatic door.
    2. Gets his arms and legs impaled by sharp utensils.
  2. Class Act: Gets the bottom half of his body torn off.
  3. Stealing the Spotlight: Blindly runs into Shifty.
  4. Kringle Feast: (If he wasn’t dead) Is knocked out by a gas leak.
  5. The Wrong Side of the Tracks: Is slingshot out of his cart and lands on his posterior.
  6. Sea What I Found:
    1. Is crushed by a large iron bar.
    2. Gets torn and bloody ankles after being shot out of a submarine.
  7. Easy for you to Sleigh: Is impaled in the torso by candy canes acting as stakes.
  8. Junk in the Trunk: Gets his arms torn off when Lumpy and his elephant pull on him.

    Lifty’s arms being torn off.

  9. Wrath of Con: Is set on fire.
  10. Buns of Steal:
    1. Impales his foot with a jackhammer.
    2. Gets his other foot impaled with a jackhammer by Shifty.

Number of Kills

Character Number of Times Killed Episodes
Cuddles 1 Mime to Five (along with Toothy)
Giggles 1 Mime to Five (along with the Ducks)
Toothy 2 Mime and Mime AgainMime to Five
Lumpy 1 Mime to Five (along with the Ducks)
Petunia 2 I Heart UChill Kringle (Along with Cro-Marmot)
Handy 1 See What Develops
Nutty 1 Mime to Five (Along with the Ducks)
Sniffles 2 Mime to FiveWingin’ It (Along with Lumpy)
Pop 1 Mime to Five
Cub 1 Mime to Five
Flaky 1 Mime to Five (Along with Cuddles and Toothy)
The Mole 2 Doggone It (Along with Whistle)Mime to Five (Along with the Ducks)
Disco Bear 2 Doggone It (Along with Whistle)Mime to Five
Russell 1 Mime to Five (Along with the Ducks)
Generic Tree Friends 79+ Mime to Five (Along with the Ducks)
Other 1 1 elephant in Mime to Five (Debatable)

Mime kills Pop and Cub.



  1. HTF Comic #3: Rides a unicycle and balances on a clothes wire, and when Lumpy pulls the line, the unicycle falls, killing Giggles.


  1. TV Series Volume 1 DVD: Toothy trips over one of the objects that Mime is juggling and is impaled through the head with a fork.


  1. Run and Bun: Kills Lumpy by bumping into him and having his body sliced in half by his car door or by impaling his body on numerous spikes. He can also kill Cub, Sniffles, Cro-Marmot, and Lumpy’s elephant.


  1. Lumpy’s antlers change directions several times, sometimes during continuous shots.
  2. Bees die when they sting someone, as their stinger is connected to their organs, and once they try to pull it out, their organs get pulled out, and they die. However, it may not have been the same exact same bee. (This could also be due to the eye not having any actual «skin» and therefore not being strong enough to grab the stinger, meaning that the bee could have easily survived stinging them both.)
  3. Toothy’s infected eye has a circular pupil for the whole episode.
  4. This is one of a few instances where Nutty’s googly eye is on the left side of his face rather than the right side.
  5. When Cuddles, Giggles, and Lumpy enter the diner, the door opens inwards. When Lumpy runs from the building, the door opens outwards. When Cuddles and Giggles exit the building at the end of the video, the door opens outwards in the opposite direction. However, it may be a free-swing door as seen in most diners and malt shops.
  6. When Cuddles, Giggles, and Lumpy enter the building, Cuddles is missing his slippers and tail. The same thing happens when Cuddles and Giggles outrun the building’s wall, although he still has his tail.
  7. The Mole’s mole changes places a few times.
  8. It is not clear as to how the tow cable managed to get so wound around the fan in the diner or around Lumpy’s antlers as the force from the crashes is more likely to prevent the cable from swinging rather than the opposite.
  9. When Lumpy tries to leave the restaurant with the truck, the door is closed and Toothy’s remains disappeared.
  10. If one slows down during The Mole’s death, you’ll see he didn’t even step over the wire.
  11. When the Fall Out Boy

    The eyeball on the floor also has a circular pupil.

    members are killed, there is an eye on the floor. When their heads are shown, however, all four have both eyes.

  12. When the Fall Out Boy members are killed, Patrick (the member that wears a hat) has his hat on even when his head is rolling.
  13. When the Fall Out Boy members are killed, their heads are seen rolling along the building’s wall. In the next shot, with Cuddles and Giggles running from that same wall, their heads are gone.
  14. Lumpy’s left eye does not swell at all, despite the fact that he is stung by the same type of bee as Toothy. However, it is possible that the swelling happened due to Toothy having an allergy to bee stings.
  15. When Lumpy dies, his blood is the regular red color, but the blood on the tow trucks crane is a dark shade of orange.
  16. It would be impossible for Lumpy’s skull to be just bone within a few seconds of his decapitation.


  • A majority of the episode names in the Happy Tree Friends series are puns of everyday phrases and/or a play on words. (Example: The phrase «It’s been fun knowing ya» was turned into Spin Fun Knowin’ Ya)
  • Many episodes from the Season 1 and 2 internet shorts contain a glitch where an image of another scene from the episode would appear for a split second (usually spoiling a character’s injury or death). This was fixed in the TV series and onward, with the last occurrence being in Just Desert.
  • Starting in From A to Zoo, an episode would usually begin with a tune. At the end of the episode, a distorted version of the same tune would be played in accordance to a usually gory scene. It would usually be the tune played on two different tracks, with one track transposed up a half-step.
  • Party Animal, Gems the Breaks, As You Wish and Tongue in Cheek are the only TV episodes without featuring pop-ups.
  • Intimate Spotlight, Deck the Halls, We Wish You, Vote or Die, YouTube 101: Subscriptions and Oh Xmas Tree are the only episodes not to have any pain, death, or destruction in them. No blood or gore appeared in Bite Sized or YouTube Copyright School, although Nutty and Russell (respectively) get injured in those episodes.
  • From A to Zoo, And the Kitchen Sink, Ipso Fatso, Doggone It, Concrete Solution, Sea What I Found (original version on iTunes as well), Who’s to Flame?, Every Litter Bit Hurts, As You Wish, Snow Place to Go, and Gems the Breaks were edited into two-parters for the iTunes Podcast versions.
  • There are moments where two episodes would have the same moral:
    • Keepin’ it Reel and See What Develops (A picture is worth a thousand words!)
    • A Sucker for Love Part 1 and Concrete Solution (Take the bitter with the sweet!)
    • Better Off Bread and Blast from the Past (Time heals all wounds!)
    • Nuttin’ Wrong with Candy and Wishy Washy (Wash behind the ears!)
    • Autopsy Turvy (Double Whammy Part II) and Peas in a Pod (Two is company, three is a crowd!)
  • So far, nobody has been killed by firearms (with the exception of Cuddles in New Season Teaser), since Kenn Navarro stated that it wouldn’t be very imaginative. Guns were used in Operation: Tiger Bomb, but this is part of the Ka-Pow! spin-off series.
  • The TV series (most notably episodes such as Wishy Washy and Tongue in Cheek) seem to be more gruesome than the internet series.
  • As of December 2, 2012, every conglomeration of the TV episodes has been uploaded on YouTube.
  • Seasons 1 and 2 each contain 27 episodes, though season 3 contains 24 and season 4 contains 9. Thus, Season 4 is currently the shortest internet season and also the shortest to finish, as it lasted less than a year. Season 3 is the internet season that took the longest to finish, as it was 6 years long.
  • The HTF end credits and the back of the Little Golden Books

    Confirmed by Kenn Navarro.

    The end credits from season 3 onward are based on the back of The Little Golden Books (see at the picture for a comparison).

  • Usually, Happy Tree Friends episodes are free, but One Foot in the Grave is the first TV episode to be available for digital download (in full HD) for $1.99. The bonus is that you can also view full storyboards by purchasing it.
  • Season 3 and Season 4 are currently the only seasons whose respective final episodes don’t have two parts.
  • Every episode from Spin Fun Knowin’ Ya to Nuttin’ but the Tooth (with the exception of Crazy Ant-ics, Treasure Those Idol Moments, and Chip Off the Ol’ Block)  has the suffix «ing» replaced with just «in'» in it.
  • Almost every single episode of the series (internet and TV) has trees in it. The only known episodes that don’t have any trees at all are Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Mime and Mime Again, Icy You, Off the Hook, Get Whale Soon, Spare Me, Suck It Up, The Wrong Side of the Tracks, Something Fishy, Shard at Work, and Without a Hitch.
  • Lumpy and Sniffles are the only main characters to appear in every season finale so far.
  • Kenn Navarro has stated that the episode everybody had the most fun making was Season 2’s Eye Candy.
  • Not counting a few Blurbs and Classics Remastered episodes, no new episodes were released during the year of 2015.
  • On El Rey Network airings during The Mondo Animation Hour, the title cards and character pop-ups are cut out entirely, going straight from the Happy Tree Friends logo to the episode’s opening scene. The end credits are also moved and incorporated into The Mondo Animation Hour‘s own end credits, with the episode’s title displayed above the credits.
  • One Foot in the Grave, and possibly the rest of the TV series, was at least partially produced in 2005.

The Mole’s Mistakes

Because he is blind, The Mole is prone to mistaking objects for other things and never noticing it. Here is a list of the many errors he has made over the course of the series.

  1. Sniffles’ head for a bowling ball in Spare Me
  2. Mime’s head for a pumpkin in Out of Sight, Out of Mime
  3. Disco Bear’s head for a watermelon in Ipso Fatso
  4. A flower, a frog, Sniffles’ foot, and Giggles’ heart for litter in Every Litter Bit Hurts
  5. Mime’s head for a ketchup dispenser in Chew Said a Mouthful
  6. In See What Develops:
    1. A gumball machine for a camera
    2. Mime’s skin for a roll of film
  7. In A Sight for Sore Eyes:
    1. A lawnmower for a dog
    2. Chunks of Handy’s brain for dog waste
    3. Cuddles’ cup for a trash can
    4. A pear for a light bulb
  8. In Wipe Out!:
    1. Handy’s heart for a handkerchief
    2. Lumpy for a surf board
  9. A bottle of poison and a bottle of bowling ball polish for hair care products in Easy Comb, Easy Go
  10. In We’re Scrooged!:
    1. A small rock for a coin
    2. Lumpy’s teeth for a toy (though in his defense, everyone else in the episode confused Toothy’s body parts for toys)
  11. In Can’t Stop Coffin:
    1. A coffin for a refrigerator
    2. Cuddles’ eyeball for an apple
  12. Lumpy for Giggles in Blind Date
  13. Flaky for a pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey board in Party Animal
  14. Toothy’s eye for a scoop of ice cream in The Carpal Tunnel of Love
  15. Lumpy’s heart for a baby bird in All Flocked Up
  16. Handy’s heart for an apple in one of the Comics
  17. A soda can machine for Lumpy in Wingin’ It
  18. Lumpy’s hand for dough/doughnuts in The Chokes on You
  19. Cuddles’ coin for a button and a couch for a patient in In a Jam
  20. Giggles’ stomach for a tire in Spare Tire.

В других СМИ

Музыкальное видео Fall Out Boy 2007 года на их песню » The Carpal Tunnel of Love » было снято Кенном Наварро и персонажами из сериала. Участники группы также снимаются в эпизодах анимационных персонажей.

Видеоигра под названием Happy Tree Friends: False Alarm была выпущена 25 июня 2008 года. Она была разработана Stainless Games и Sega для Xbox Live Arcade на Xbox 360 и ПК . Была также игра для iOS под названием Happy Tree Friends: Deadeye Derby , выпущенная в 2014 году.


Спин-офф серии под названием Ka-Pow! вышел в эфир в сентябре 2008 года и представляет собой антологию боевиков с участием Крот, Флиппи, Великолепия и Буддийской обезьяны. Всего было снято .

В 2014 году Кенн Наварро создал шоу D_Void , похожее на Happy Tree Friends ; Для сериала было снято всего 2 серии. 2 серии D_Void были позже загружены на канал Mondo Media на YouTube летом 2020 года.

Character Bio

Mime is a purple male deer with pointy ears and antlers who wears and a . He never speaks due to the fact that he is a mime, causing others to have a hard time understanding him as a result. Apparently, most of his possessions are imaginary, although they can be stolen (or even shown to be real), as evidenced in Easy For You to Sleigh, Mime to Five, Concrete Solution, Keepin’ it Reel, and I Heart U. Sometimes the things around him are imaginary, such as walls in Dunce Upon a Time, which he uses in the name of showmanship. He has even done some obviously impossible things, such as making an audible honking sound while riding a unicycle in Concrete Solution and making noises while interacting with his «imaginary» furniture. It was once said that he’s mute, but in some episodes such as Happy Trails Pt. 1, Out of Sight, Out of Mime, Something Fishy, Keepin’ it Reel, and I Heart U (Debatable), he has made audible noises (e.g. choking noises, snoring, or blowing noises), making it evident that he can speak, but just chooses not to (although he has been known to not scream even when in severe pain as seen in Double Whammy Part I when his insides were set on fire). This has led to other characters’ deaths, such as in Who’s to Flame? when his choosing not to talk to Lumpy, a fireman, over the phone eventually led to the destruction of the entire town when Lumpy couldn’t understand him and thus hung up.

Mime shows off his circus skills in Mime to Five.

He is talented with circus skills like juggling (which he can do with one hand) and creating balloon animals, though his attempts to entertain his fellow Happy Tree Friends often have fatal consequences. Mime is very fond of peanuts, going as far as to stick his hand in a blender to eat them in Party Animal. In Mime and Mime Again, Out of Sight, Out of Mime, and Class Act he had a tail; he then appeared without it in many later episodes; but he has his tail again in Chill Kringle, his Season 3/4 featuring card, See You Later, Elevator, Random Acts of Silence, and Just Be Claus.

Mime usually rides a unicycle, as is seen in Party Animal, Concrete Solution, Who’s to Flame?, As You Wish, A Hole Lotta Love, See What Develops, Junk in the Trunk, and Double Whammy Part I. Sometimes, he stays seated on his unicycle throughout entire episodes.

Mime rarely stars in the series. He appeared in 39 episodes and had 7 starring roles in the series( 8 if you count his Smoochie).

He lives in a tent, but the inside looks like a regular house with invisible or imaginary furniture, as can be seen in Easy For You to Sleigh and Mime to Five.

He is often seen with The Mole, which is ironic since they cannot communicate (the best example being Out of Sight, Out of Mime).

Mime’s death in Out of Sight, Out of Mime, where The Mole mistakes his head for a pumpkin.

Mime is the only character to survive in only one internet episode, Mime and Mime Again, he is also the only character who does not die in the two TV episodes he stars alone in (Who’s to Flame? and Mime to Five). The other episodes in the TV series he survives in are Concrete Solution, Easy For You to Sleigh, A Change of Heart, Easy Comb, Easy Go, and In a Jam. He also survives in I Heart U, Chill Kringle, YouTube Copyright School, and in the HTF Breaks Happy New Year, Take Your Seat, and Tunnel Vision. He dies quick and painless deaths more than any other character, exceptions being Happy Trails Pt. 1, Party Animal, Wingin’ It, Double Whammy Part I, and Random Acts of Silence. Like many other characters’ deaths, his deaths usually involve his head, metallic objects, or machinery.


  1. When the title appears, there is no leafing sound like in other episodes.
  2. There is a picture of Lumpy singing in Cuddles’ bedroom even though he plays lead guitar.
  3. There is audible rhythm guitar in the original lineup with Russell, despite the fact that Lumpy is the only guitarist, and there is audible bass guitar in the new lineup with Cuddles, despite the fact that Cuddles is not the bassist.
  4. When Cuddles imagines himself as Russell’s replacement on the wanted poster, his philtrum partly overlaps his nose.
  5. The mole on The Mole’s face changes places several times.
  6. The Mole should not have been able to stitch a coin to his coat, since coins have no holes.
  7. For the Second wide shot of Cuddles getting stabbed, he has two hands.
  8. When Cuddles is done with his second donation, he is extremely low on blood, but after he buys the guitar, he looks perfectly fine. It could be likely that sufficient time had passed for Cuddles to recover, although the episode appears to have occurred on the same day.
  9. This episode adds some confusion to the currency system of the Happy Tree Friends world. While Nutty uses a single coin to purchase a lollipop, Cuddles is able to use the same amount of money to purchase a brand new guitar. However, Cuddles could have done something about the other coin, the one The Mole mistook for a button, or earned more money in other ways. It is also possible that Nutty bought other candies as well and just ate them before the audition.

    I’d love to live in a world where a lollipop and a guitar can both be bought with a single coin.

  10. The directions of Lumpy’s antlers change several times.
  11. There is inconsistency within auditions in the Happy Tree Band. Russell, whom they are looking to replace, played a four string instrument, indicating he was the bassist. Nonetheless, the band looks to hire a guitar (or flute) player as a replacement. Given that Lumpy appears to be the main auditioner, however, this may be a sign of his usual stupidity.
  12. Cro-Marmot plays a highly difficult guitar riff. However, his instrument has only four tuning knobs, which is more consistent with a bass guitar.
  13. Certain parts of the music can be heard even when nobody is playing that part. For example, drums can be heard in the background while Handy is having a seizure and after he dies. However, this may actually indicate that the Happy Tree Band uses pre-recorded music, which would explain how Handy is seemingly able to play the drums without the need for hands or drumsticks. It would also explain why Lumpy allowed Cuddles to join the band despite his poor playing ability.
  14. Cuddles’ eye patch covers his right eye. This was briefly swapped when he noticed his guitar was making static noises.
  15. Before Handy dies, he is shown to fall off the stage on his back, but instead when he falls, he falls on his face.
  16. When Sniffles places the cymbals in Handy’s mouth, Handy chips his buckteeth. But when he dies, his chipped buckteeth return to normal.
  17. Also when Handy dies, his ears are invisible.
  18. Sniffles’ headphones disappear when he smashes into the control panel, although it is possible they fell off.
  19. Sniffles’ organs came out of the wrong order as his intestines comes out before his brain.
  20. Sniffle’s organs should not have been able to turn the volume up, as the dials to the volume were nowhere near the record reel his organs were stuck in.
  21. Even though The Mole took blood out of his arm, when Cuddles looks at the button The Mole gave him, the bandage is on his wrist.
  22. When Cuddles switches the power off, Lumpy does not seem to question the lights or the music turned off, as he is still «playing» his guitar as if nothing happened. However, he does notice when Sniffles speeds up the song, and strums faster to match it.
  23. Lumpy makes a stupid face after Handy dies, which means that he probably did not notice the loud cymbals crashing to the floor, either.
  24. When Lumpy’s fingers are sliced by the guitar strings, his blood is orange.
  25. When Sniffles dies, his blood is red, but when Sniffles’ organs turn up the volume his blood is orange.
  26. When Cuddles is blasted away, his hat stays on his head. (Debatable, as his ears may have kept the hat on)
  27. Before Lumpy’s death, blood is seen on the ground. But when he dies, the blood disappears.
  28. When Lumpy explodes, one of his eyes has a pac-man-shaped pupil.
  29. When Lumpy dies, his brain is too big to fit inside his head.
  30. The blood that dripped down Cuddles’ face disappears after Lumpy dies.
  31. After Cuddles is blown off the stage from the intense volume of the speakers, he is seen lying in a pool of blood even though he is not bleeding.
  32. When Cuddles is almost completely stuffed with cushioning, he still has his hat and eye patch, yet when he is recliner-shaped, those two items have vanished.



Seen on Computer and TV

  1. Havin’ a Ball: Is sliced into pieces by helicopter rotors.
  2. Flippin’ Burgers: Is crushed by a burger joint door from an explosion caused by Flippy.
  3. Class Act: Dies in an explosion.
  4. Stealing the Spotlight: Is boiled to death by Lumpy’s bright lights.
  5. Easy For You to Sleigh: Dies of carbon monoxide poisoning.
  6. Pop’s BBQ Smoochie:
    1. Gets his eye, brain, and skull impaled by a Kebab.
    2. Has various coal burned into his cranium and eventually into his heart.
    3. Has popcorn pop from within him after being set on fire, crushing his organs and/or suffocating him.
  7. Who’s to Flame?: Dies in a fire truck explosion. (Death not seen)
  8. Every Litter Bit Hurts: Is impaled through the head with a flaming pine cone, then burns to death.

    It’s amazing how this kills him instantly while most characters suffer when it happens to them.

  9. As You Wish!: Is impaled on the tip of Sniffles’ rocket.
  10. Mime to Five: Is impaled by glass shards from a broken windshield.
  11. Aw, Shucks!: Is crushed by a giant piece of popcorn. (Death not seen)
  12. Wrath of Con: Dies when the Comic Con Center collapses on him. (Death not seen)
  13. See You Later, Elevator: Is burned to death or dies from the explosion in the building.
  14. Cubtron Z: Is crushed when Cubtron sits on him. (Death not seen)
  15. A Vicious Cycle: Is electrocuted by a power switch and decapitated.

    Pop goes the Pop.

  16. Spare Tire: Is vaporized by an explosion.
  17. Going Out With a Bang: Is crushed by Cub’s baby leash when it is tied around his body.

Debatable Deaths

  1. Wingin’ It: Is sucked out of a plane along with Cub.
  2. Chore Loser: Is killed by a dog.
  3. Breaking Wind: Is killed either by Splendid’s gas, or by Petunia setting the world on fire.


  1. Overkill DVD box set: Is killed by Flippy’s bomb. (Death not seen)
  2. Freshly popped Pop popcorn. Say that three times fast.

    Hop on Pop June 2009 Calendar: Is impaled in the stomach by some scissors Cub was holding. (Death not seen)

  3. Bar-B-Qued Ribs August 2007 Calendar: Is killed when the barbecue he was lighting explodes.
  4. Un-named Wallpaper: Is killed when Flippy’s dynamite explodes. (Death not seen)
  5. Dumb Ways To Die (Music video): Same as Pop’s BBQ Smoochie Light option; however, the charcoal killing him is cut, since it’s assumed that the grill explosion killed him.

Pop with a kebab in his eye.

Seen in Arcade Games

  1. Ice Slide: Is flattened by Cro-Marmot.
  2. Dumb Ways to Die (Arcade game): Same as in the music video.
  3. Fire Escape: Falls to his death.

Seen on Computer and TV

  1. Havin’ a Ball: Is hit by numerous cars while trying to cross the road.
  2. Class Act: Is burned by a schoolhouse fire.
  3. And the Kitchen Sink:
    1. Walks through a cactus patch.
    2. Falls down a waterfall and vomits.
  4. Doggone It: Is attacked by Whistle.
  5. Easy For You to Sleigh: Breathes in some smoke and coughs.
  6. Mime to Five: Has his eardrums burst by audio feedback. His eyes also start to bleed from the noise.
  7. A Vicious Cycle: Breaks an arm and a leg while falling down a flight of stairs.